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Grow Linkedin followers by 500% in 30 days! Case study 6: Successful Linkedin account (2024)

Blend Collective managed a successful Linkedin account. In the first month, the account gained 90 followers and content reached the target audience. Let’s see what the numbers and data has to tell us.


Activity: Biometaan OÜ Linkedin account launch and content creation

Result dates: 10. Feb - 10.March 2024






New followers


  • How to grow Linkedin follower-base?

  • How to create engaging and relevant Linkedin content?

Main goal

  • Reach the target audience with relevant content.

  • Grow Linkedin presence and raise brand awareness.


Process: how we did it?

1.Optimize Your Company Page

  • Professional Logo: Use a high-quality, recognizable logo for your business.

  • Compelling Tagline: Write a tagline that clearly states your company’s mission and value proposition.

  • Detailed Overview: Craft an overview that highlights your company’s history, services, and achievements. Make it engaging and reflective of your brand personality.

  • Complete Your Page: Fill out all sections (company details, specialties, location, etc.) thoroughly.

2. Build Your Network

  • Invite Employees: Encourage your employees to connect with the company page and share its content.

  • Engage with Followers: Regularly like, comment, and share posts from your followers to stay visible.

  • Join Industry Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry or niche.

3. Share Valuable Content

  • Post Regularly: Share industry news, company updates, and insights consistently.

  • Use Multimedia: Incorporate images, videos, and presentations to make your posts more engaging.

4. Leverage hashtags

  • Optimization: Use relevant keywords and hashtags throughout your company page to increase visibility in search results.

  • Targeted Content: Tailor your posts and articles to include keywords that your target audience might be searching for.

5. Showcase Your Products and Services

  • Showcase Pages: Create showcase pages for different products or services to provide detailed information.

  • Customer Testimonials: Share endorsements and testimonials from satisfied clients to add credibility to your business.

6. Engage with Your Audience

  • Respond Promptly: Reply to messages and comments to foster engagement.

  • Start Conversations: Initiate discussions on relevant topics to stimulate interaction.

  • Acknowledge Milestones: Share company milestones and achievements to build a connection with your audience.

7. Be Authentic and Consistent

  • Authenticity: Be genuine in your interactions and content.

  • Consistency: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged.

8. Follow Industry Leaders and Companies

  • Stay Updated: Follow influential companies and leaders in your industry to stay informed about trends and news.

  • Engage with Influencers: Comment on and share content from industry leaders to increase your visibility.

9. Measure and Adjust

  • Track Performance: Regularly review your LinkedIn analytics to see which types of content perform best.

  • Adjust Strategy: Based on your analytics, adjust your content and engagement strategies to better reach your audience.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling LinkedIn business presence that effectively reaches and engages your target audience.

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